Lazy Finnish Summer

Sometimes it pays to live in Finland. I mean yes the taxes a quite high, people are some what distant to you and I endlessly bitch and complain about the winter. But during the summer this all changes (minus the tax thing--you're pretty much fucked with that one all year round). The terraces open up outside of restaurants, people seem to be in good cheer and it's warm and sunny. This summer is no exception. Days in the mid 20's with lake water in the high teens, hardly any rain and the midnight sun somewhere just off in the distance. Beach weather or perfect for a BBQ. In about 3 weeks all of this will be a forgotten memory though as the temperature starts to decrease and the days begin to get shorter. Why must you do that Finland? You show us the goods only 3 months of the year and then bury yourself in layers the rest. You are the worst kind of cock tease.

...Off to the lake to enjoy it while I still can.  


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