On a Biden win
I tend not to be a very outwardly political person. My idea of how politics should look tends to be out there in centrist-left la-la land. Most people have gotten it into their head that you are either one side or the other and if you are on the one side then the other side can fuck right off. I tend to be rather pragmatic and take what wins can be taken or make compromises that serve a greater good.
As you probably have figured out the last 4 years for me have been rather a troubling time. Partisan rancor on both sides is fierce. Centrism, of any kind, has been pretty much dead and buried. The lack of any type of a moral arrow in the previous administration started a type of race for the bottom on the right and left people in the middle high and dry. And yet I have some hope that Biden can maybe start the trend for democrats to reoccupy the center.
Now I might be being just a bit naive or just plain stupid, but like I said...I have some hope.