Week two begins...

So, what can I say about the last two weeks in Finland. It's been interesting to say the least. I have jump thru several bureaucratic hurdles to sign myself on to taxes and register myself here. So far these have been ok. More red tape than anything else. On Wednesday everything came through. So, good!

It's been snowing here for about 2 days straight. Nice powdery stuff that make riding a bicycle hell, but it does make the world look so extra nice. We have about 2 feet on the ground now. It's gonna fun when it all melts away in like 3 or 4 months. But that won't be for a while. -7 right now. But Wesnesday, oh, Wednesday! -23 celcius is the predicted low. That will be fun.

And last, the work scene. I'm writing a paper right now on borders and also working out 4 or 5 days a week on my lunch hour. Its nice that Finns have such a great attitude to working out and being healthy. I bike about +10km a day home-work-home and I do 10km in the gym. I will have legs of steel soon.


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