Stirring the shit pot with a stick made of pure Obsidian

Every morning when I wake up I just want to find a someone who supports this douche bag and punch him directly in the face. It's nothing personal to the person. I'm sure that beyond their politics people on the other side are lovely people. They probably walk blind elderly people across major thoroughfares while the lights are against them and then strand them there when they change. Or maybe they toss small puppies into raging streams for fun. Ahh, who am I really kidding. I should just call a spade a spade. They are assholes of the largest ilk.

Dear Other Side Voters: We are 1 week into this administration. It is only getting worse. Your champion, Mr. Uneven Spray Tan, is growing more delusional. If you are seriously supporting him, then you need to stop lest you check yourself before you wreck yourself.


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