Stuck inside of Pieksämäki with the morbid psycosis blues again...

A while back I mentioned to you guys about a town called Pieksämäki. It's a prominent railway junction just outside of Jyväskylä. Now when I say 'prominent' and 'just outside' I mean this in terms of Finland. A prominent railway junction like Pieksamaki has four tracks and is 75 miles from the middle of anywhere. Pieksa. is just such a place. It's the arse end of the middle of fucking no where. A little over 19 thousand people call this desolate plot of land home. A soul crunching existence unfolds before them. The bleakness of life grinds them into dust day after day. Industry has left the town long ago. In it's destructive wake we can see the remnants of a once great town. Now only criminality and drunkenness rule the landscape. Burned out sauna buildings litter the vast expanse.

But there is one shining light in this no horse town. For those who need a pick me up from this bleak world of low sperm counts, self castration and eventual suicide, a beacon of hope gleams in the distance.
Behold! The Elvis Toilet of Memories!

 The toilet is 3 sq meters of pure bliss in an otherwise post apocalyptic landscape. One can not help but laugh at it's genius. Elvis after all died on the toilet. A fitting tribute to him. The only negative that I could say about the toilet was that for some reason no soap could be found in it. That and the fact that I needed to pay one euro to see it. Such a monument to the towering genius that is Finland should be free for all to use and enjoy.



leanne walsh said…
haha. brilliantly written :)
Antti said…
Have you ever heard this song Bluesia Pieksämäen asemalla (Blues at the Pieksämäki train station) by Juice Leskinen:

I think he had the same kinds of thoughts as you did about Pieksämäki :)

Anyway, I must admit that I have some nice childhood memories from the place. My cousins lived there (and my uncle and his wife still do) and it was great place as a kid.. but I would have to say that ever since growing up, it hasn't been the same. Boring as hell.

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