Fall and Smoking

Fall is here and I would just like to quote Lewis Black and say 'Fuck fall'. It's nice for a couple weeks and then all you have is sticks for the next 7 or 8 months. Ah, soon the white snowy snow of snowy snow winter will come. Sweet, sweet white death. Yay! :)

On a different and less cynical note, we (meaning I, but if you want to count yourself in as part of the team then go right ahead) are on day 33 of the stop smoking drive. What can I say about the previous 32 days? Only one thing: quitting smoking sucks. It's like I have to constantly tell my mind to shut the fuck about smoking! I woke up this morning with this horrible taste in my mouth from Peter's quest last night for cheap beer. What did my brain say to my morning taste? "Hey, have a cigarette. That'll make it taste better."Fuck you brain. You are not helping! Please do me a favor and find me an alternative to smoking. It can be anything. Knitting is good. Boring, but good. How about pole vaulting? That sounds kind of cool, yes? Maybe I should design some new stencils? Hmm, good idea. What about smok...oh, fuck you brain!

Fuck! That wasn't less cynical at all!


Sw4life said…
The problem with smoking is that you need to replace it with another habit of a less unhealthy quality

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