On Where Joensuu is Heading (a foreigners perspective)

"It is difficult to make predictions, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra

Lately, I've had some downtime to ponder where my hometown, Joensuu, might be headed in the next couple of decades. I first set foot in this town back in 2004, so maybe my 20-year experience here gives me a bit of foresight. Joensuu has undergone quite the transformation, with new suburbs sprouting up and life in the city center becoming pretty darn comfy. However, it's not all sunshine and rainbows; there are still a bunch of issues on my mind, and I'm not afraid to vent about them.

Let's kick things off with the lack of services for folks who hail from beyond Finland's borders. Whenever the town does something for foreigners, it often feels like a publicity stunt—more style than substance. Once it's all said and done, you're left feeling like you should be eternally grateful for even this token effort.

Next on my gripe list is shortsightedness. Joensuu seems to be stumbling along without a clear vision of where it wants to go. It's like it's constantly in the shadow of bigger cities, and its default mode is copycatting. Now don't get me wrong, good ideas can come from elsewhere, but we're seriously lacking in the originality department when it comes to promoting our own identity.

And then there are the so-called "Smart People." You know, the ones who think they know it all but really have no clue about how to make things better. They're all over Joensuu forums, spewing out ideas that could make you facepalm hard. Check out Karjalainen's opinion page if you want a taste of some truly head-scratching notions, like shutting down the airport or slashing school funding, as if those would magically boost the city. Yeah, right. Austerity, the miracle solution! (Insert sarcastic eye roll here).

So, what's my crystal ball telling me? Well, brace yourself, because I foresee a few things: 

1. The perpetuation of dumb decisions, 

2. The unstoppable rise of the S Corporation (more on that mess in my next post), 

3. An ongoing lack of a clear vision, 

4. And, surprise... more foreigners moving in. At some point, they'll have to be recognized them as more than just token residents.

When I look back at Joensuu's track record over the last 20 years, it seems like we're on a one-way street. The town will keep growing, but it's as if we're driving without a GPS, not quite sure where we're headed.

Go ahead and leave your comments down below, and while you're at it, let me know where in the world you're checking this out from. In the past week, this blog saw a surprising 1000 visitors, which has left me scratching my head a bit. I'll be the first to admit, my writing isn't Pulitzer material, and my topics tend to stay pretty local. So, don't hold back—tell me what's on your mind. Your insights are super valuable!


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